Friday, July 16, 2010

Iphone Mania

Ok, so maybe I'm a little out of the times, but I am still amazed and intrigued into the popularity of the good old Iphone; a realisation that hit me earlier today. There I was, sitting at the David Jones foodcourt, frantically texting on my Iphone as I ate. As I took a moment to take in my surroundings (as you do) I noticed that the girl across from me also had her Iphone out, and the girl next to me AND the guy behind me. All of a sudden I felt like I was in some weird sci-fi movie (why? I honestly don't know), as I realised just how popular this little gadget of life had become. Every second person has one, and if you don't, you probably have plans to in the near future. So, my question is, are we all lambs, deseperate to be part of the 'in' crowd? Following trends as they come and jumping on the iphone bandwagan?

I think the answer is unknowingly yes for many of us. I'll be the first to admit that I upgraded to an Iphone simply beacause I was the only one in my group who hadn't and well, lets face it, my little Nokia just wasn't cutting it anymore. A sprinkling of peer pressure, a scoop of the wonder's of apps, and I was a goner. Ironically, I only use my phone for texting, calling and facebook/internet, features my Nokia could have easily done. I can't help but thinking that perhaps the wonders of the Iphone are wasted on me, and maybe I'm not alone....

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